Game ninja blade
Game ninja blade

game ninja blade

We've done no research to qualify following statement, but Ninja Blade must have the most QTEs of any game ever release.

game ninja blade game ninja blade

Ninja Blade throws in plenty of Prince of Persia-style platforming too, small dose of puzzle solving and quick time events. This would be a problem if it was the crux of the game, but, strangely, it's not. You can quick dodge by holding the right trigger, block using the leave trigger and perform various combos, but on pure how does it feel to play? Level, it can't compete with those two giants. You can rely on certain few moves far more often than you ought to be able to, and right stick being map to camera instead of dodge / roll makes combat feel less skilful. As an action game, similar to the likes of Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta, Ninja Blade feels solid but somewhat lightweight. After an initial series of fights that would more than cover the entire boss quota in your average game, you're betrayed and leave to fight alone as viruses continue to spread and insanity level threatens to spiral off the chart. Ninja Blade casts you as member of an elite Ninja unit, with the game opening as the entire team leaps parachute-less out of plane in order to quickly get to the threat on the surface: spreading worm virus that turns things into giant monsters. Assuming you use the aforementioned 360 pad, game will change on-screen prompts in quick time events to match those on the controller-sadly commands for using the keyboard are displayed at the same time. It's option, but unless you own a gamepad or plan to invest in one, game doesn't feel right.

game ninja blade

If it isn't already blatantly obvious, you shouldn't play Ninja Blade with a mouse and keyboard. Before reading any further, we need to make something quite clear. This PC port one-time Xbox 360 exclusive has lost none of this insanity. At one point in the game, you grab onto mid-air motorbike, land on top of a mid-air bus, ride along say bus at speed, leap from the bike as it flies into the mouth of a giant city-eating worm, and then ignite gas tank with an accurately thrown dart, causing a massive explosion big enough to take down alien ship From Independence Day. It's unlikely you'll have ever played a game as bizarre as From Software's Ninja Blade. " Free photo Man Deadly Assassin Kill Knife Ninja Blade - Max Pixel", by Max Pixel, licensed under CC0

Game ninja blade